Needs for upskilling and re-skilling workforce in 2021 has gone beyond skill development and requires unleashing potential to keep employees driven, balancing with well-being and creating fluid system which works well in hybrid ways of working.
Organisational / Individual Development Interventions
  • 6 sessions MasterMind for Leaders

  • 2 sessions Team Effectiveness
  • More to come..

  • Personal Effectiveness
    Achieving Performance & Engagement Excellence, Being Accountable,
    Emotional Intelligence, Managing Time & Productivity
  • Managerial Effectiveness / Leadership
    Engaging Teams for Performance & Engagement, Leading with Excellence,
    Effective Delegation, Coaching Teams, First Time Manager, Having Better Conversations
  • Organisational
    Enabling Self Growth, Problem Solving, Stress Management,
    Stakeholder Management, Leader in Me, e-mail etiquettes,
    Accepting & Giving Feedback, Meeting Effectiveness
  • Youth Development
    YouthLeads, Corporate Readiness, Stress Management

SkillMedley's philosophy of 'Motivation to Action' is followed in every workshop.
Own your Growth
Are you ready to take action today? Schedule your discovery session.
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